Serializable Exception in Java

When  you use Wicket as webfrontend framework to build your application, sooner or later you’ll encounter the NotSerializableException. This is because Wicket will want to serialize any state you have…

OpenID from my website

A lot of websites now provide a way to authenticate yourself via OpenID. That way, you don’t have to remember a separate username and password to login to such a…

Slow right click on Windows

Besides by Mac laptop I have a Windows desktop at home. Windows 7 is all in all quite a nice OS. However, after using Windows for a while, Windows seems…

Wicket Exception when using wrong order in addComponent

Today I working on a application that uses the Wicket framework. I was plagued with the following Exception: WicketMessage: org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: component myForm:myTable:editor not found on page nl.gerbrand-ict.gui.HomePage[id = 4], listener…

JavaFX 2.0

Yesterday I attended a NLJug meeting at Oracle at De Meern on JavaFX, called ‘JavaFX 2.0 EA‘. The meeting was presented by Roger Brinkley, who’s a called ‘Community leader’, of…

Google buys Instantiations

A while a go I used to do Swing development, and I sometimes used the tool of Instantiations to develop my GUI. I quite liked the tool. Before that I…

McDonalds running Linux

A unix like OS on their video-screens outside, in shopping center Hoog Caterijne, Utrecht. At least something else then those Windows 95/98/NT screens I often see running at terminals, when…