Cluster at home

When I was a student I had old desktop computer in running in the closet which acted as a server. The server hosted my homepage, email-domain, fileserver and sort of…

Scala Days 2015 Amsterdam

Two weeks ago I visited Scala Days 2015, in Amsterdam. The conference was great, with a lot of high level content. Sessions I visited. I’ve attempted to order them by…

Joy of coding, property-based testing

Afgelopen vrijdag heb ik Joy of Coding bezocht, een conferentie voor programmeurs. Ik wilde met name John Hughes horen, onder meer bekend van de paper ‘Why functional programming matters‘ (uit 1984 !).…

Online diary on the fly

For quite a while I just to have digital personal diary. First as a text file stored in my computer, occasionally backed up on cd. Then I switched to…

Functional programming in Scala

I’ve completed the Coursera course Functional Programming Principles in Scala, with a Verified certificate! Going through the course was a nice experience. It felt a-lot like the university years, including even…

Going to do functional programming

I’ve learned about functional programming during my university years, with Haskell as primary language. I considered functional programming as quite elegant, but also impractical. I felt I could get practical…

SQL Performance

If you have to access persisted data, of course, you do not have to necessarely use SQL. But in case you do, knowing something about SQL-performance helps. I just did…