Scala and Java

When you say Ruby, you say Rails. When you say Groovy, you say unit-tests, scripting and integration. Well that might be over-acted, but that’s what most people make of it.…

Develop with faster with smarter tools

I develop software for a living. This involves quite a lot of talking, coaching, attending meetings, drinking coffee, etc. but the actual work is done during programming – when the…

JFall report

Ik heb een verslag geschreven over JFall 2009 voor Whitehorses, het bedrijf waarvoor ik werk. Hier is de officiele introductie Op 11 november 2009 werd JFall 2009, een van de…

Whitebook on parallel programming

Via the newsletter of Whitehorses, the company I work for, an article written by me is published: Gebruik de multi-core omgeving met Java 7 . As the title suggest, the…

JFall on Google Guice

Yesterday I’ve submitted a paper to NLJUG, the Dutch Java User Group for the JFall 2009 conference. Together with colleagues we worked on a proposal for a very nice presentation…

JBoss on Linux

Lately I tried to run JBoss on my Linux-installation (KUBuntu 9). I got lots of java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space errors while starting JBoss 5. First I thought that had something to…

Alternative to SQL

Database alternative, for people just browsing and scanning, I’ll write in staccato. Relational model pretty good, but we need a better implementation of the relational model, SQL, at least the…

Volatile keyword

What does the volatile keyword in Java do? For years I thought the keyword was quite obsolete, synchronization of values between the memory multiple processors seemed quite exotic. Since even…