Springsource and electric cars

Just read an article on electric cars in of the Saturday’s edition of the NRC – a Dutch newspaper, which can be found online at the authors blog (in Dutch).…

Very old accounts

I’ve been on the Internet since 1997. I was also on Fidonet since 1995, until I got high speed internet (2Mbit shared) in 2000. I keep all my passwords in…


I am subscribed to several technology related newsletters, including those of InfoQ. Very often these newsletters feature very interesting content. Unfortunately, a increasingly large portion of those newsletters now includes…

JFall on Google Guice

Yesterday I’ve submitted a paper to NLJUG, the Dutch Java User Group for the JFall 2009 conference. Together with colleagues we worked on a proposal for a very nice presentation…


Do you call yourself architect, while you’re developing software or telling other people how to program? At least in the Netherlands, calling yourself Architect is illegal when you’re not a…

Breaking SMS security

I wrote some time ago about false sense of security in many secure applications such as internet-banking. Now one of the predictions I made have become reality, as you can…

Hyves now also OpenId provider

OpenID is gaining popularity!  Hyves is now also OpenId-provider, as published on the (Dutch) site Webwereld. This means you can use your hyve account to login to any site that…

Open JMX consoles

If you search on google on DummyResourceAdapter, you’ll find (at least currently) a lot of open administration consoles of JBoss, the JMX-console. These consoles should not be available to the…

False sense of security in https

Like most Internet users, I use https a lot. Whenever I login to a, say, my bank, Firefox shows a nice picture of the bank and a message the communication…