Open JMX consoles

If you search on google on DummyResourceAdapter, you’ll find (at least currently) a lot of open administration consoles of JBoss, the JMX-console. These consoles should not be available to the…

Swing popularity rising

Years ago I developed several Swing application – most of them are still being used now. Later I switched to webapplication using http, javascript and html. I do like thinking…

Internal DSLs in Scala

The language Ruby is very extendible, making the language very suitable for designing internal DSL’s – custom languages for domain, or single purpose as you could call it. Togetter with…

False sense of security in https

Like most Internet users, I use https a lot. Whenever I login to a, say, my bank, Firefox shows a nice picture of the bank and a message the communication…

Scala and Twitter update

Recently wrote about a presentation on the interesest in Scala of tech-lead at Twitter. On another site a Twitter developer wrote half a year ago that several people at his…

Distributed software with JGroups

JGroups A distributed application, where nodes of the application communicate with each other over a LAN using UDP. Each nodes discovers other nodes automatically, when a node crashes or shuts…

Scala and twitter

By stumbled on a presentation by API lead of Twitter on Scala. For a moment I hoped Twitter was developed, but the language used at Twitter is Ruby. The speaker…

Frustation on JBoss

For some application I need a notion of ‘shared state’ within a cluster of computers within a network. The software will have to run on JBoss. Yesterday I had successfully…

Flex, Spring and Java

Last year I worked with a collegue on a software project. As I architect I set up a backend. As frontend technology we used flex. As backend technology, we used…